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Rural Life
Rural life in the Santa Monica Mountains above Malibu is special. MTC has been working since its founding to protect the quality of life of wild animals as well as humans.
In 2017, led by board member Patt Healy, MTC strongly encouraged the City of Malibu to complete the purchase of Trancas Field for use as open space.
Here are Some Ways Malibu Township Council Has Helped Rural Residents

MTC supported and continues to support park acquisition of the Trancas Riders and Ropers field.

MTC supports extensive use of open space in areas where there is office and commercial zoning. Legacy Park, at left, was designed around a natural flood plain and utilizes only native plants.
MTC continues to oppose strongly any camping in the high-danger fire zone that exists throughout all of Malibu.

MTC responded quickly several years ago when L.A. Regional Water Quality Board failed to adequately notify the community and spontaneously called a meeting to discuss adding water pipes in Malibu's mountain areas. MTC emphasized pipes would induce growth in delicate hillside areas. The Water Board backed down.
MTC opposes high-density zoning to provide sites for low-income housing.

In 1963, to answer the growing need for electricity in Los Angeles County, officials proposed a nuclear power plant in Corral Canyon. The plant would have been larger than any other at the time. MTC fought this and won, arguing that seismic activity and geologic instability would make an unsafe location for a nuclear reactor.
In addition to Malibu city residents, Malibu Township Council serves those who live in the L.A. County Malibu area adjacent to Malibu City. From mid-Fall to Spring they are treated to panoramic sunsets like this:

Malibu's Coastline has what many consider to be perfect weather. The coastline is usually between 60 and 80ºF, often with a thin protective haze but still sunny. At left, fingers of fog (at left) move inland quickly, blocking views of neighboring mountain shoulders as well as the ocean. But even with fog, the Coast can be cool and breezy while near the top of the Santa Monica Mountains the air is dry and hot.
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